PREMIUM PRO LUBE was developed to solve problems associated with Multi-Purpose type spray lubes found on the market today. One problem is when you spray them on they tend to migrate, drip and keep dripping on floors, walls, carpets or anything else you would rather not have lube drips on. Plus drips may continue on for days or weeks.

The second problem associated with Multi-Purpose type of spray lubes is they do a good job of cleaning off the part that needs to be lubed. The lubricant that is left behind is very little and a thin film which does not last long. To keep the part quiet and lubed, you are forced to reapply it very often, costing you lots of time, money plus cleaning up more drips.

The third problem associated with Multi-Purpose type spray lubes is that the thin lubrication layer that is left behind provides no cushion effect to keep parts quiet. With no body/heavy viscosity, the watery Multi-Purpose spray may lube the part, but might leave it sounding louder after lubing it. It may move, slide or roll easier but might actually sound louder.

PREMIUM PRO LUBE All In One Plus Quiet Maxx Technology solves all these problems with one can, one product. It reaches the squeak, sets up for quiet. That is why we say "Silence in a Can". No need to keep two different kinds of lube to do one job. PREMIUM PRO LUBE All In One Plus sprays on thin so it migrates, penetrates, eleminates all squeaks.

With Quiet Maxx Technology is leaves a long lasting lubricating film with the quiet cushioning effect for long lasting lubrication and smooth, quiet performance. Wipe up the very first drip after lubricating the part [it is first necessary for lube to migrate to the squeak]. After firming up, the product is thick enough to allow it to stay in place and not keep migrating or dripping. This is a high quality product that can be used most all places you would use a standard type of Multi-Purpose lube. The only difference you will notice is that you will use less product, plus use less often.


Last, you will notice quieter, smoother lubrication action with more protection from rust and corrosion. Quiet Maxx Technology that delivers day after day. Silence in a Can...

"Don't let the others give you the drips...Reach for the Pro!"



Lasts longer than other Multi-Purpose spray lubes Does not continue to migrate and drip, keeping floors and areas around lubricated parts cleaner
You don't have to buy 2 different types of lube Saves Time:
Better lubrication quality-you don't have to apply as often
Quiet Maxx Technology provides cushion effect to keep lubricated parts quieter and for longer Saves Money:
Less you apply - Less you buy
Why Use Premium Pro Lube Made, filled, packaged and
distributed in the U.S.A.
Premium Pro Lube Uses



Premium Pro Lube Made in the USA

Premium Pro Lube

All in One Plus Silence in a Can

Lasting lubrication, instant quite with no drip after it penetrates/migrates. Lasts longer than other lubes / sprays. Thinner than grease, firmer than penetrating spray lubes.

Stick On! Stays On! Quiets On!

Prevents rust corrosion, withstands severe temperatures, resists water washout, prevents sticking and freezing of water to meta, lasts longer than other lubes

It reaches the squeak, sets up for quiet